About Angel Child Foundation 👥
The Angel Child Foundation is a heart-driven charitable organisation devoted to nurturing the lives of abandoned children, supporting underprivileged individuals within communities, and uplifting young adults transitioning from the foster care system thereby igniting hope, nuturing potential and changing lives. Since , Angel Child Foundation has been committed to ehnancing the lives of children and underpriviled individuals within communities.
In the face of adversity and without the guiding hand of parental support during their formative years,
these vulnerable youths and adolescents often entangled in crime, substance abuse, alcohol, robbery,
prostitution, and other perils. Yet, amidst their struggles, we offer a beacon of hope and
With unwavering commitment, we act as protectors of their welfare, offering not only solace but also
the resources and tools needed to rise above adversity. Together, we foster a community where every
individual is embraced with a sense of belonging and empowered to shape their own journey toward a
brighter tomorrow. Guided by the profound words of Mother Teresa, we believe that it's the
boundless love we infuse into our acts of giving that truly makes a lasting impact
. Join us in
spreading love and changing lives!